Invention Ideas is a community for innovators, product designers, and inventors to come together and share their knowledge and experience. Our goal is to create to be the most valued and trusted resource for inventors through sharing information and helping to find local inventor meetups, events, and networking groups. Invention Ideas is your hub for invention information, product design tips, and for a community of like-minded individuals.
The Forum
The inventors forum is the heart of Invention Ideas. Product innovators from around the world participate and share their expertise and knowledge to help stimulate new invention ideas and help each other along the product development path. The forums are a community resource where inventors can get help and advice from other inventors. Here one can find discussions on everything from how to obtain a patent to prototyping tips to help with inventions and the design process.
As a community hub, the forums are also a place to share stories and make friends with other innovators in your community and around the world.
Inventor Groups & Meetups
Inventor groups and meetups make the Invention Ideas community a unique resource for product creators. We make it easy for inventors to find local events in their area, or even to find out what might be going on in a city they plan on visiting. Connect with other innovators in your area, develop real connections, and form lasting relationships with the inventor community in your area! The local meetups are updated regularly so you always know what’s going on.
Community Blogs
The Invention Ideas blog is driven by community-generated content. The blog includes invention information, pieces on particularly cool inventions, and invention help, all written by and for Invention Ideas members. Get information on patenting a product, the product design process, and tip for inventors right from the source — other innovators! Are you interested in sharing your expertise? Submit an article to the blog!
Connect & Keep in Touch
Create a profile and connect with like-minded people. The social tools on Invention Ideas allow you to make lasting connections with other innovators and inventors on the site. Share photos, gain some inspiration, meet new friends, and stay motivated by immersing yourself into a community of inventors.
We Help with Design, Patenting, Licensing, & Manufacturing
Through Cad Crowd, we offer a full range of product design and development services for entrepreneurs and innovators. From product design and engineering to rapid prototyping and patent help, we connect inventors with the services they need to bring their invention to market. If you’re looking to sell an invention but you need a little help, we’ve got you covered! Find out more about how we’ve helped hundreds of product innovators achieve their goals.