Homepage Forum Invention Marketing & Licensing How Can I Create Original Ideas and be Innovative?

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by MacKenzie Brown 7 years, 10 months ago
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    Theo James

    How Can I Create Original Ideas and be Innovative?


    MacKenzie Brown

    Creativity is something you’re born with. BUT if you want to try to be creative, here are some tips you can follow so you can come up with great ideas.

    1. Make time. If you are busy, and don’t much time, you can’t form new ideas. So set aside time and just do nothing but think. It can be a very hard thing to do, but it’s a good habit. It’s also good to do this in a place where you will be inspired to be creative. Go to your favorite coffee shop or your favorite park, if needed.
    2. Another important thing to do is to let it go sometimes. Do other things so you don’t get burned out from all the thinking! You can do yoga, fitness, walk in the woods, whatever you like.
    3. Once your idea comes, don’t delete them too fast. Having loads of bad ideas is a good thing. It keeps things going. Write down everything. It may be good, bad, neutral, whatever comes to mind.
    4. When you have a “nice” idea, don’t hold it too dearly. Criticize it and find the flaws and possibilities you initially missed. This will improve your ideas and make them more feasible.
    5. Start explaining. Tell it to your closest friends/family. Write it down. Your mind will push you into thinking you know more than you actually do. This is more of a reflection. Writing/talking your idea out will identify the gaps and you’ll see more aspects of a topic/problem.
    6. Have fun in creating something. Creativity is timid and often hides when forced to come out. Stress is your enemy because it makes you stop and discourages you from moving forward. Looking for inspirations online may help but the best way to keep creativity around is to enjoy it.
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