Homepage Forum Startup Funding, Venture Capital & Crowdfunding What Are The Different Stages in Startup Funding?

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by MacKenzie Brown 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Shelly Scott
    @Shelly Scott

    What Are The Different Stages in Startup Funding?


    MacKenzie Brown

    There are many kinds of startup stages for funding.

    Idea stage – the start of the startup, no product, no workers, etc. Most of the time, through this stage entrepreneurs bootstrap .

    Seed stage – in seed stage about 40% of professional investments go to this stage startup, or entrepreneurs who have examples and some traction but need more capital to get going.

    Development stage capital – when you are in need to develop a newer version a product of yours, go get a storefront, design your website again, etc.

    Expansion stage capital – Within this stage you get funding to ramp up your production, open stores that is new, and sell more product that has proven to be successful.


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