Homepage Forum Startup Funding, Venture Capital & Crowdfunding Where Do I Find Someone To Invest In My Invention?

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by MacKenzie Brown 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Morgan Pearly

    Where Do I Find Someone To Invest In My Invention?


    MacKenzie Brown

    First of all you are gonna need to do some work. coding, market research, wireframes, prototypes, whatever work that is going to be required.

    Find people who have the skills that can and willing to help you. If the idea of yours is awesome,  people are going to join you. And if not, then get a hint, it might not be that great at all.

    Your problem is so common. That’s where some or most of us started. The people that succeeded went with it, they convinced people, made progress on it, and then that’s when they got investors. That’s what it takes and it is hard without money.

    Investment isn’t just a rule. It’s an exception. Fewer that 100K get seed funding from the millions of startups in the US every year. That’s rare, the exceptions, not the rule. They are in need of credible teams, scalability, defensibility, and growth rates that have huge potential. The great majority of a successful businesses don’t get investment.

    Where you are right now makes a big difference. Angel investment is a phenomenon of a small economies that is developed. They invest to where they live that is close. The world’s wealth should be distributed better. But investors are individuals. Within their own self-interest, they operate. Angel investment/seed funding in the United States and few of the other major economies does not have anything to do with how people start businesses in economies that are developing.

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