Hi: My name is Kris Paul and I’m the Pres of the Inventors network of the Capital Area (DC-based independent inventors group) and I’d like to see if we can cooperate – since we’re both interested in inventing, etc. Check out our site and MeetUp: dcinventors.org & https://www.meetup.com/Inventors-Network-of-the-Capital-Area/ I encourage you to come to our meetings to see if this is something for you – our next meeting is a presentation by Stephen Key – world renowned expert on product licensing. My email is kris_k_paul@rocketmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon!!
Hi: My name is Kris Paul and I’m the Pres of the Inventors network of the Capital Area (DC-based independent inventors group) and I’d like to see if we can cooperate – since we’re both interested in inventing, etc. Check out our site and MeetUp: dcinventors.org & https://www.meetup.com/Inventors-Network-of-the-Capital-Area/ I encourage you to come to our meetings to see if this is something for you – our next meeting is a presentation by Stephen Key – world renowned expert on product licensing. My email is kris_k_paul@rocketmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon!!